With the summer coming to a close we give ode to one of this season’s classics, the weekender. A fabulous travel companion whether to toss in the trunk or to take as a carry on, our weekender is sturdy with its leather handles and spaciousness for our not so light packers.
Recently I decided to take a little trip of my own up to Canada, weekender in hand of course, to close out this summer’s season. Travelling 1,833 miles from dessert to lakeside I made it across the border to Toronto, Ontario Canada for a weeklong stay to visit family. I like to think of myself not alone in the world when I say that I am not a light packer. When changing climates, let alone the changing of countries is involved, everything in my bag becomes an essential. It was on this trip when I realized how thankful I was to have something durable enough to uphold the weight of all my necessary carry on items. I contribute this success to the quality of the bag’s leather handles and leather corners. Two checked bags on the brink of the 50 lb. limit, some gained muscle mass and a weekender later I was able to make it across the border with all essentials traveling safely with me.
If durability isn’t enough to convince you, the chic style of this bag should. Naturally I became a walking Bon Marché billboard with espadrilles on my feet and a weekender slung over my shoulder. The pattern and colors of my bag and matching espadrilles certainly drew some attention from other passengers. I was pleasantly stopped in the ladies room to ask about my featured products and where they too could get some similar items. Thrilled by this inquiry I naturally took the opportunity to detail the artisan craft and quality of my chic weekender and colorful shoes.
Though it may be just the beginning of a love relationship with my weekender and my travels, we plan to make traveling together a regular activity. Perhaps we both will bump into your and your weekender at an airport this Autumn. I’m already packing. A bientôt, Alex |